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Campus Climate Surveys

Doane is committed to an open and honest dialogue about the things that affect college students nationwide, and specifically the issues we face at Doane University.

Annually since 2015, the University has conducted a Campus Climate Survey based on best practices to confront the issues surrounding sexual violence on college campuses.  Among the issues covered in the survey and those facing college communities across the nation are gender and relationship violence, which includes sexual assault. In accordance with our mission and core values of building a better community, we want to share the results of our survey with all members of the Crete campus.

Campus Climate Survey (2018-2019)

Campus Climate Survey (2017-2018)

Campus Climate Survey (2016-2017)

Campus Climate Survey (2015-2016)

In light of the campus climate survey results and the national conversation regarding gender and relationship violence on college campuses, Doane’s Title IX Advisory Board has recommended the following actions as first-steps in proactively addressing the information received from our 2016-2017 survey data:

  1. Project Coordinator for our Department of Justice grant will oversee development of campus-wide, high-frequency prevention and education efforts for students, faculty, and staff.
  2. Support campus wide integration and communication of policy, procedures and resources related to sexual violence in orientations, classrooms and offices.
  3. Adopt bystander intervention training and multiple campaigns targeting interpersonal violence.
  4. Research, evaluation and campus discussion regarding an affirmative consent program.
  5. Research, evaluation and campus discussion regarding barriers to reporting.
  6. Development of programming that engages men on campus and creates an environment that breaks through barriers for male reporting.
