Being a university student is difficult when you’re balancing responsibilities outside of the classroom such as work, family, friends, and more. The Academic Success Center is aware of the struggle our students face and have compiled resources and services to assist students as they work toward success in all areas of their lives. These services include the following:
- Setting up a physical or electronic planner
- Creating a personal study schedule
- Making the most out of daily to-do lists
- Setting short and long term goals
- Sharing techniques for effective note-taking
- Discovering your preferred learning style
- Sharing the most effective ways to avoid procrastination
- Sharing strategies for succeeding in online courses
Residential students on the Crete campus are free to walk in for help with any of our services during regular office hours: Monday - Thursday: 8:30 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. and on Fridays from 8:30 a.m. to 3:00 p.m.
For non-residential students on the Lincoln or Omaha campuses, we prefer to meet virtually, but walk-ins can be arranged by appointment.
Please contact Beth Jacobson, Executive Director of Academic Support Services, at or by phone at 402-826-2161 for more information.
In addition, The Academic Success Center has created the videos below to help students succeed in their academic studies: