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Alumni Awards Banquet

Doane has established numerous awards to recognize alumni and friends of the university for their professional accomplishments, outstanding achievements, community service, leadership, and continued relations with the university. The Alumni Awards Banquet ceremony will take place in Perry Memorial Campus Center on Sunday, October 1st, at noon. This event is open to all alumni, but reservations are required (as space is limited) and should be made by Friday, September 22nd.

You can nominate future award recipients here.

The 2023 Recipients are:

  • Jessica L. Alexander ’06—recipient of the Paul Kersenbrock Humanitarian Award
    Given in memory of Paul Dean Kersenbrock '63, this award is presented to a worthy Doane alum who, in the Alumni Council's judgment, distinguishes themselves by extraordinary, unselfish dedication and service to others in their work and lifestyle.
  • Dr. Michael F. Rapp ’76 AND Tonya D. O’Neel ’13L—both recipients of the Exceptional Service Award
    This award recognizes alums who have provided extraordinary service to forward the cause of Doane University through their volunteer efforts.
  • Nicole J. Lawson ’13—recipient of the Young Alumni Award
    Honoring Doane graduates who are 35 years of age or younger for demonstration of and lasting commitment to the highest ideals and models of excellence exemplified by Doane University. 
  • Dr. Chad L. Denker ’93, ’97E, ’01E, ’14E, ’19DE—recipient of the Educator of the Year Award
    Presented to alumni who have made outstanding contributions to the field of education. The recipient is selected in conjunction with the education department. 
  • Donald D. Partridge ’83—recipient of the Honor D Award
    Presented to former Doane athletes who have distinguished themselves by outstanding service in their life's work.
  • Scott M. Morris ’05—recipient of the Platt Music Award
    Presented to alumni for outstanding achievement in music. The Recipient is selected in conjunction with the music department.
  • Barbara R. Cole ’63 AND Michael W. Krantz ’83Doane Builder Award
    Presented to alumni who have distinguished themselves and Doane through outstanding achievement, professional accomplishments, community service, and their relationship with the university. This is considered the highest award an alumnus of the university can receive.

Registration for this event has closed. Please email with any questions/concerns.



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