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Student Congress Membership Terms

  1. The President and Vice-President shall be elected by a ballot vote of the student body by a general election, held in the spring of each year.

  2. The President and Vice-President must be of either junior or senior standing when assuming office in the fall semester; be a full-time student as defined by the Registrar; and maintain a minimum of a two-point (2.5) accumulative grade point average.

  3. Presidential and Vice-Presidential candidates must have served on the Congress for at least one semester.

  4. The Secretary and Treasurer shall be appointed by the President, subject to majority approval by the Student Congress.  If the majority approval is not met, then the senators have the right to nominate candidates.  The voting procedure will continue until a majority is obtained.    

Section II.  The Student Congress shall have thirteen (13) senators.

  1. Ten (10) of these senators shall be elected at large by a ballot of the student body in the general spring election.

  2. The remaining three (3) freshman senators will be elected in the fall semester by a ballot vote of the freshman students.

Section III.  All nominees seeking a senator position must be full-time students as defined by the Registrar and have a two-point (2.5) accumulative grade average.

Section IV.  The officers and the senators-at-large will serve for one year, or until their successors are elected.  The freshmen senators shall serve from the time they are elected until the new officers and senators-at-large assume their positions in the respective spring/fall semester.   

Section V.

  1. All members of this organization must maintain a two-point (2.5) grade average.  Members failing to maintain the average will be required to resign.

  2. Attendance of members is required at all meetings.  Any uninformed absences will require a review before the next meeting by the executive council; missing this meeting will result in a recorded absence.  Members must get their absences excused by the President prior to the meeting.  After three (3) absences per academic year, members will be reviewed by the executive council.  Members may appeal their review recommendation before the Congress.  Majority vote will rule.

  3. Each member of Student Congress is required to have a Personal Project each semester; the Personal Project must be approved by the executive council.  Failure to complete a Personal Project will result in disciplinary action at the discretion of the executive council.

  4. Student Congress members are expected to abide by the colleges policies and rules, as stated in the Student Congress Senator Expectations contract. If any member of Student Congress is found responsible for violating the academic integrity policy and/or the student conduct code, they are obligated to report to the Student Congress advisor. If deemed appropriate, the advisor will work in conjunction with the executive council and  will decide the appropriate response.

  5. If a Student Congress member is required to resign, he or she hold the right to appeal.  All appeals must be submitted, in writing, to the acting President.  After being notified of his or hers required resignation, Student Congress members have until the next meeting to submit his or her appeal.  Along with his or her written appeal, a Student Congress member may also be given time to appeal verbally to Congress at the next meeting.  Congress will decide during that same meeting whether or not the resignation will stand.  Majority vote will rule.