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AJ Chauradia

AJ Chauradia

Assistant Professor of Business

Phone Number: 402.466.4774
Department: Business Administration
Office: FBC203-8
Primary Campus: Lincoln
Credentials: BBA, MS, PHD

Dr. Amit Jain (AJ) Chauradia is Assistant Professor of Business in the College of Business. He serves as the Chair of the Business Department and Program Director for the MBA.  He joined Doane University in 2021 and primarily teaches classes for the following programs: MBA, Business Administration, and International Business. He earned a Ph.D. in Strategy and Entrepreneurship (2014) and a M.S. in Business Administration (2010) from the University of Illinois. He also has a certificate in Applied and Data Science. Before joining Doane, AJ taught strategy to MBAs and professionals at the Indian School of Business in Hyderabad, India. He has received research grants from Ernst and Young and a visiting fellowship from the Center for Asian Business and Economics  at the University of Melbourne. AJ has professional experience from his time working for a family business and as a financial analyst for a large conglomerate. His research topics include: gender and mission drift, human capital, and women entrepreneurs. In his first year at Doane, AJ served as the A.R. Kinney Endowed Chair.

Ph.D. (Strategy & Entrepreneurship), University of Illinois, 2014
M.S. (Business Administration), University of Illinois, 2010
B.B.A. (Management), University of Miami, 2006


  • Strategic Management (BUS 496)
  • Executing Business Strategy (BUS 498)
  • Administrative Policy and Strategy (BUS 642)
  • Analytics and Decision Sciences (BUS 640)

Professional Experience
MBA Program Director, College of Business, Doane University, 2022-present
Faculty Mentor, Experiential Learning Programs, ISB, 2014-2020
Financial Analyst/Coordinator, Precision Response Corporation, 2006-2008
Operations and IT Consultant, Rubin's, 2003-2006

Teaching Experience
Doane University, 2021-Present
Indian School of Business, 2014-2021
University of Illinois, 2010, 2013
Kaplan Test Prep, 2006-2008, 2011-2013

Professional Accolades
A. R. Kinney Endowed Chair of Business and Economics, 2021-2022
CABE Visiting Fellowship, University of Melbourne, 2018
EY Research Grant Awards, Indian School of Business, 2017-2019
Teacher's Ranked as Excellent by Their Students, University of Illinois, 2011
Certified in Foundations of Teaching, CITL, University of Illinois, 2011
Cum Laude, Departmental Honors, University of Miami, 2006

Professional Highlights

How did you become interested in teaching?
I realized I liked sharing knowledge when I started tutoring in elementary school. I was always an excellent student who loved to learn. I was lucky to be taught by some of the best teachers in Florida, who spent quality time helping me understand and inculcate knowledge. Teaching is in my DNA - my father taught college chemistry. I discovered I liked my part-time teaching job more than my full-time corporate job. I chose to study strategic management for my doctorate, because it was my weakest subject in undergrad, and so it could challenge me for years to come.

Why should I take your classes?
You will learn how to think differently when you enter my course. You will understand how to identify and analyze underlying organizational-level problems, and the process of strategic execution to reach desired stakeholder outcomes. My presentation style seeks to be engaging, interactive, and comprehensive. In the classroom, I typically seek to stimulate interest from the audience in unconventional ways, including extensive use of technology, case studies, and simulations in the classroom.

What is your teaching style?
My classes are highly interactive. I engage in conversations and provide opportunities to ask questions and discuss anything regarding the topic. The more creative I am, the higher the likelihood that students will be interested and motivated to learn.  I give students reasons to remember the concepts, relate it to something familiar, and apply it using the proper terminology. I want students to think critically, question what I am saying, and expand upon it. I hope that my students walk away from my courses having retained relevant concepts that will help them down the line.